Friday, March 22 2024 at the Socrates Room, Faculty of Law, Pancasila University, a Public Lecture activity “Optimizing the Recovery of Assets Proceeding from Corruption Crimes” was carried out by the Deputy Attorney General for Intelligence, Prof. Dr. Reda Manthovani, S.H., LL.M., and Indonesian Supreme Court Justice Dr. Yanto, S.H., M.H., as well as publishing the Journal of the Doctor of Law Program “Pancasila Law Review”.

This activity was attended by several FHUP leaders, including the Dean of the Faculty of Law, namely Prof. Dr. Eddy Pratomo, S.H, M.A., then Prof. Dr. Muhammad Hatta Ali, S.H, M.H., as Chair of the Law Doctoral Program who is also the Chief Executive of this activity, as well as Prof. Dr. Agus Surono, S.H., M.H., as Deputy Chair of the activities, Deputy Dean II Prof. Dr. Adnan Hamid, S.H., M.M., M.H., who is also the Moderator, and Two resource persons who will provide material in the Public Lecture are the Deputy Attorney General for Intelligence, Prof. Dr. Reda Manthovani, S.H., LL.M., and Indonesian Supreme Court Justice Dr. Yanto, S.H., M.H..
In his welcoming speech, the Chief Executive said that with the existence of the Pancasila Law Review Journal (PancLRev) it is hoped that it can become a forum for PDIH FHUP students, researchers and also lecturers at FHUP and also writers outside FHUP which will certainly have an impact on FHUP accreditation. Then the Dean of FHUP also delivered his speech in which he expressed his gratitude to the entire committee who had helped make this event a success, as well as the attendees who attended with great enthusiasm. It is also hoped that the launch of this journal and public lecture will be useful for all students who attend in person or online.
The Deputy Chief Executive also introduced the official website of the Law Doctoral Program Journal and explained the registration procedures via the official website in the Ceremonial Launching session of the Law Doctoral Program Journal “Pancasila Law Review”
The public lecture session also went smoothly, where the first resource person was the Deputy Attorney General for Intelligence at the Indonesian Attorney General’s Office, Prof. Dr. Reda Manthovani, S.H., LL.M., delivered his discussion regarding Optimizing the Recovery of Assets Proceeding from Corruption Crimes According to Presidential Decree No. 15 of 2024.
The next resource person was the Supreme Court Judge of the Republic of Indonesia, namely, Dr. Yanto, S.H., M.H., delivered his discussion on Procedures for Corporate Criminal Liability According to Perma No. 13 of 2016 or Procedures for Objecting to Third Parties Whose Assets Are Confiscated by the State in Corruption Cases According to Perma No. 2 of 2022.

With the launch of the Legal Science Doctoral Program Journal “Pancasila Law Review”, it is hoped that new findings as a result of scientific studies can help support scientific progress and increase the freshness of insight for FHUP students because now we realize that the need for publications is increasing, so journal management It is also another component of life for academics that needs to be done professionally.
This activity closed with the presentation of plaques and certificates to the two speakers.