The Legal Assistance and Consultation Institute, Faculty of Law, Pancasila University, in collaboration with the Moot Court Student Activity Unit (UKM), Faculty of Law, Pancasila University, carries out legal counseling activities at SMA Negeri 38 Jakarta. This activity took place in the Multi-Purpose Hall of SMA Negeri 38 Jakarta. Participants in this legal counseling were students from grades 10 to. 11 SMAN 38 Jakarta, in this activity LKBH not only carried out legal counseling which was open to the public but also carried out private legal consultation activities through the LKBH Corner which was held for 5 days from 22 May 2023 to 2023. May 27 2023. LKBH Corner is an ongoing activity, which not only provides free consultations for personal problems but also legal assistance for resolving legal cases both through the court and outside the court. This activity was attended by the Chairman of LKBH FHUP Hasbullah, S.H., M.H. in his speech, he conveyed that this counseling activity is a form of Community Service carried out by the Faculty of Law, Pancasila University in implementing the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, especially to the community members of SMAN 38 Jakarta.